The Trilaterum Universe

Trilaterum….the fate of the universe is unfolding before our eyes, and it is glorious.

 After the third war of change, the Earth was in horrible shape.  War had decimated the population over the past three centuries, and mankind was ready to heal.  The Council of Twelve was established and peace was upon the earth for the first time in human history.  Bringing the world together as never before, mankind harnessed the technological advances of the last 500 years and established the Unified Exploration League (UEL).  Tasked with finding habitable worlds to colonize, these colony ships were sent out into the universe to expand the reach of mankind and ensure its enduring legacy as the wars had show just how close to extinction man had come. 

 Life on a colony ship was hard and ponderous.  Advances in space travel had made near faster than light travel possible, but the time cost was extreme.  The nearest colony world was 150 earth years away; several generations would live and die on the ships before man even set foot on another planet.  Thus the league invested heavily in education services and made sure that every colonist was ready to contribute to both the ship and the colony they would live on.  Over the centuries, as technology improved these trips would become exponentially shorter, but for now the colony would have to be self sufficient in all ways.  

 As colonies established themselves, a new and unexpected thing happened; mankind came into contact with intelligent forms of life.  Vast civilizations that spanned whole star systems.  Tribal cultures starting to reach for the stars.  Vicious, cold races that think nothing of war.  All were encountered and once again mankind must take up arms, this time for their very survival.