The Agaracale

In the beginning, was the Agaloon.   Before that there was nothing.  When the Agaloon came, the Agracale followed.  Springing forth from the tiniest of organisms, the first Agaracale became One with the Agaloon.  The Agaloon gave all knowledge to the Agaracale and then was One.  With this spark, the empire was born.  In a span of unknown time, the Agaracale became numerous and knew their place.  On

e with the land, One with the sea, One with the sky, and One with all.  It was simple yet complex.  Nothing interrupted the cycle.  Agaracale grew and formed more complex forms.  The worm, the wing, the pontiff.  It was enough.  Until it wasn’t.  As other forms of life were met, more forms were needed. Forms to protect, forms to avenge, forms to protect the One. Then came the day of the great fall.  From the sky something new, something strange, something NOT of the One.  It was shiny and metal and hard.  It did not want to be of the One.  It wanted to hurt the One.  This was not right.  That was when the Agaracale relearned 

an old trick.  They learned to use the smallest of them to absorb more powerful and deadly forms into their fold.  The Bloom was born.  This would stride forth with them as they protected the One.  They learned to throw their toxic waste spores with deadly accuracy.  The invaders were weak to the toxins and fell fast.  Their biological material would help the One flourish.  

As time went on, The Psychic Pontifs probed the dead minds of the interlopers and learned how they reached out to the stars.  They were able to develop massive spore clusters that could be launched into space, into the large black void to find new One’s. 

As a new One was being cultivated, many new interlopers fell from the sky.  Shiny weapons and think metal plates adorned them as 

they set up their machines and began to exploit the One.  This must not be allowed.  The interlopers must be stopped and their materials returned to the One.

Many victories have been won against the interlopers, but a new threat has arrived.  Strange colored creatures larger than the original interlopers have descended from the sky and unlike the previous ones, they are much harder to kill and they cannot for some reason be infected with our spores.  Also, they seem to not care much about being destroyed.  They run headlong into our forces with little to no care in the world.  This is odd for those not of the Agaloon.  

We have also seen more of the original interlopers come, but they do not seem to be attacking us as voraciously as before.  They seem to be tending to their wounded and rebuilding their structures.  They also seem to be sending out strange transmissions to us that we are trying to decipher.